Thursday, June 9, 2011

Week 3 Web Conference

Tonight’s web conference experience was interesting. Video and audio never seemed to completely gel, but those who were in attendance tonight were still able to ask their questions and get possible resolutions for their problems. I learned that I need to check every source carefully, after realizing I had used the internship handbook on Epic which is the wrong version. I am so glad I’m starting this program in the summer so I have time to work through my mistakes before my own students need help in the fall.

The information Dr. Borel shared with our cohort during this web conference was helpful, just as before. We learned more about the Tk20 that will be used to create an e-portfolio. We also had the opportunity to help answer questions for each other which was priceless. The support and camaraderie felt during the web conference created a sense of security because we could see that many of us have questions (we weren’t alone if we were struggling) and everyone was genuinely concerned about the challenges we each faced.

I’m still having trouble scanning a document onto my computer, but I’ve made a blog and embedded my PowerPoint in it, and I’ve created a Wiki and embedded my video in it for this masters program. Hmmm. Does that sound strange to anyone else? I guess I still have a long way to go!

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